QuickBlox chat-features

Private & public group chat

QuickBlox call

Voice and video calling

QuickBlox chat-messaging

1-on-1 chat

QuickBlox push-notifications

Push notification

QuickBlox access

User authentication

QuickBlox data-storage

Custom data storage

QuickBlox file-sharing

File Sharing

QuickBlox video-conference

Conference calling

QuickBlox Reseller Partner Program

Sign-up your customers with Quickblox and enjoy financial rewards.

Do your customers need real‑time communication features for their mobile or web apps?

Chat-and-Messaging QuickBlox

Chat and Messaging

All the features you need to build a great messaging application

Video-Calling QuickBlox

Video Calling

High quality one‑to‑one and group calling built on WebRTC.

Data-Storage QuickBlox

Data Storage

Flexible data and file storage that compliments your messaging.


Push Notifications

Integrate your current business processes with real‑time alerts and notifications.

File-Sharing QuickBlox

File Sharing

Share and link all types of files (images, audio, video, docs, and other file formats).

Q-Consultation-Lite QuickBlox

Q‑Consultation Lite

Free, open source code for teleconsultation.

Why Dev Agencies Choose QuickBlox

Save Costs

Why build from scratch when you can use our ready‑to‑go integrate SDKs.


Built on an encrypted platform to prevent your valuable data from being hacked, our SDKs and APIs benefit from additional security enhancements.

Host Anywhere

Apps built with QuickBlox software can be hosted on the QuickBlox cloud or in your own cloud hosting environment, including on‑premises, either way we offer a fully managed service.


Our software can be used for iOS, Android, and the Web, ensuring that your chat app will run with the same high performance on any device and in any browser.


We offer a fully scalable infrastructure so that as your number of active users increases we can scale your dedicated software instance alongside.

Dev-Agencies QuickBlox

How does the Reseller Partner Program Work?

It’s easy to partner with QuickBlox

Source-code QuickBlox

(Step 1)

Use Quickblox SDKs and open source code to add stunning communication features to your clients’ projects.

Revenue QuickBlox

(Step 2)

Enjoy new monthly revenue or discounted pricing.

Speak to us

Choose your level of participation

  • Associate

    (Entry Level to the QuickBlox Partner Program)

  • Partner

Asociate QuickBlox
cloud QuickBlox

You bring at least one cloud customer to QuickBlox.

customer-care QuickBlox

You provide basic integration services of the QuickBlox software for your customer

Partner QuickBlox
cloud QuickBlox

You bring at least one enterprise customer to QuickBlox.

Cloud2 QuickBlox

Your website has a link to QuickBlox.

Cloud3 QuickBlox

Your staff are experienced with integrating with / consulting about the QuickBlox platform.

Choose how to be rewarded

Revenue‑Share Model

QuickBlox contracts directly with the Development Agency's end client and the Development Agency will be paid a commission every time the client pays for the QuickBlox license.

  • Associate
  • Partner
  • One‑off bonus paid on QuickBlox set‑up fee
  • N/A - Shared Cloud
  • 50% - Enterprise
  • SAAS revenue share % paid Monthly
  • 15%
  • 25%
  • Commission period
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • Selling additional instances beyond Partner Level - additional bonuses will apply

Discounted Price Model

QuickBlox contracts directly with the Development Agency, and the Development Agency pays for the QuickBlox license and receives a monthly discount for the QuickBlox installation fees and monthly fees of the Enterprise installations.

  • Associate
  • Partner
  • One‑off discount (set‑up)
  • N/A - Shared Cloud
  • 25% off
  • Monthly discount
  • 10% off
  • 15% off
  • Monthly discount period
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • Selling additional instances beyond Partner Level - additional bonuses will apply

Let QuickBlox Promote your Agency

Social-media QuickBlox

Be featured in our blog & social media

QB QuickBlox

Be added to the QuickBlox Partnership Program webpage

Case-Study QuickBlox

Be the subject of a unique case study

Want to earn monthly rewards? Join the QuickBlox Reseller Program Today
